Example of using X-Levels as a framework for any strategy a trader may deploy..
Price hits Propulsion block at 70.5 X-Level at a HTF POI providing the Turtle Soup Primary Entry.
From there you get your Unicorn Model. All models start from a PD Array in alignment with an X-Level.
By using X-Levels you gain a deeper understanding or market dynamics

Another Example of using X-Levels as a framework for any strategy. Of course we trade the Turtle Soup inside Red Pill Trading, the very swing low, but you don't have too.
It's a framework. Lets take a look at an iFVG approach.
Price hits M15 upper Quad in alignment with X-Level M15 50% giving the Turtle Soup Primary Entry.
iFVG forms off that low.
Note again how it is all keyed off the PD Array in alignment with an X-Level.